Lil 90 - The 570 Blog Showcase
By Jordan Slobodinsky
Over the course of time Mod570 has been telling the story of modern creators. We venture to find people who push themselves and truly love their passions. While we do feature many up and coming music artists, we never get tired of hearing what drives them and the journey they are on. Embodying that mentality and putting it to tremendous use is Lil 90, a recording artist from York, PA. Lil 90 says that music has inspired to live a life full of meaning, more than just making music.
“Being a creator to me means way more then just making music, it helps me escape my reality & keeps me having something to look forward to. I've always been good with connecting to people with my way of words, so when they relate back its a great feeling. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one going through certain things and situations alone,” said Lil 90.
Citing his passion for music, the "hottest90's baby" reminisced on when he was very young and how he would free-style with his older brother. Back then he didn’t know how much those skills would mean to him. Investing his heart and soul into writing some of his own music later down the line, 90 began to grow a connection between music and real life experiences. After finally starting to record in studios, he knew music was his future.
What is difficult about being a creator?
“I can say I'm always wanting to out do myself. I feel like my next body of work has to be better than my last, I put a lot of pressure on myself with that. A lot of people don't realize that most creators create their best work when they are going through a stage or phase in life, so I just try to let the music speak for itself."
Though this problem can be annoying, Lil 90 tries not to overthink his situations. Believing instead to trust his own talents, rather than comparing his work to other artists. He says his emotions guide him in making songs.
Who are some people you look up to as far as mentorship?
“I was listening to a lot of Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and Kanye West as a kid. I always tried to do my own thing but if it was any artist that I looked up to it would definitely have to be Lil Wayne. I feel like he is the reason for a lot of artists nowadays."
However, Lil 90 has his sight on the big picture. Instead he argues he can bring more to the table. Describing himself as open-minded about the music world, Lil 90 says he does not limit himself to one sound. He also referenced that his music is meant to speak to people and help create connections. Being as authentic as possible is something he prides himself as being.
What is your vision for the future?
“I want to build my vault up and make sure I have everything locked and loaded for when my time comes. I see myself signing to a Major Label and being a global artist no matter what route I take. Whether it's with a major or independent, I believe I can make it happen. Longer down the road I want to start my own label and sign a group of artists."
Everyone has created something they love, and Lil 90 states that his song ‘Nothing 2 Me’ is one he loves. During the making of both the song and video, quality was the main view for Lil 90. Due to the success he saw from its release, he plans to up the quality even more.
What advice or tips would you give to an artist coming up in the game?
“The importance of marketing your music, it won't get out there as much as you want it to just by putting it out. Focus on building a team around you that sees your vision and make a shit ton of music."
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