The 570 Blog Showcase - Alexander Tullos
Wearing many hats is a common expression used to describe someone who is good at multitasking. In the business world, it is extremely useful to “wear many hats”, as it allows you to be flexible with what you do. Amazon started out as a book delivery service, now they deliver groceries and just about anything you can think of. When Apple was first getting started with mac, there was no indication that they would sell the most popular cell phone in the world. On a smaller more relatable scale, enter Alex Tullos; fitness/personal development/sales/speaker connoisseur. On top of that, Tullos is also the co-founder of Members Travel.
“Constantly checking yourself and building a lifestyle on your terms and being a good person during the "in between" is something you have to strive for. If you're reading this and feel that's you, go for it. What's the other option,” said Tullos.
Being in business 16 months, Tullos acknowledges that it was not easy to get started. Where we do see success from other entrepreneurs on platforms like Instagram, Tullos attributes his success to more than just getting followers. Instead he says that building success in business takes time and diligence.
“Seeing massive success and leaving a legacy doesn't equal a 6-figure flash in the pan business. It takes hiring experts and a team good enough to scale you to 8 and 9 figures. Business is a sport and having a dynasty takes more than one person,” said Tullos.
- If you had one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started, what would that be?
“What it takes to get to six figures isn't what it will take to get to seven. Building a seven figure dream team is what gets you to seven figures. Delegating small work to assistants and those that can help you can be the key difference to you making your business dreams a reality,” said Tullos.
Building up to a $700,000 income by the age of 24 is no small feat. Most of us are still trying to figure out what we want to do with our lives at that age. Tullos says that what he has learned in such a short amount of time, he is happy to share with others.
- What advice/tips do you have for upcoming entrepreneurs?
“It's not a matter of if you're going to be somewhere in five years, it's a matter of where are you going to be. The decisions that you make everyday will either get you there or not. Build your ideal scene of what you want your life to look like in 20 years and be specific,” said Tullos. “Don't leave out any detail. Your dreams are possible and if you outlast pain, discomfort, problems and obstacles. It's your formula to success.”
- What does it mean for you to be here and contributing to the community.
"Everything man! This stuff isn't mine! It's all from other people that have helped and impacted me! NY Times Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, owning 4,000 apartment units, and changing 100 Million lives is what gets me up every morning!"
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