The 570 Blog Showcase - Brady Carnahan / Real Estate
By Jordan Slobodinsky //
While we here at Mod570 primarily focus on the modern-day creator and the work of business owners, we like to acknowledge those that own other crafts. The real estate market is one of those fields that we believe deserves to be noticed. Enter Brady Carnahan, realtor with SWC Realty.
“We're a real estate company with locations in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Ohio. I've been licensed since 2018.” said Carnahan.
The realty business is one that takes an incredible amount of effort to succeed in. While many realtors do have support from the company they represent, much of the work to sell homes and properties is done by the realtor themselves. The agents essentially run their own business under the representation of the realty company.
What’s it like to run your own business?
“Running my own business is a blessing and a curse. I love that I'm in control of the day to day operations, but I can also get distracted easily. Planners, calendars, and to-do lists help me be successful,” said Carnahan.
Though he says that he loves that most of his daily activity is in his control, Carnahan acknowledges that his success is based off of his effort. Even as far as his income, which he says is basically in his own hands. Realtors often make most of their salary off commission, but is often high depending on the final price of the homes they sell.
“What I put into my business is exactly what I get out of it,” said Carnahan.
Were there any key factors in your start up and what were they?
“The key factor for me was the support of my family. I got my salesperson license because I was talking about taking the course for months. Then on Halloween of 2017 my family said they did not want to hear another word about real estate until I started the course. I enrolled in an online course that evening and haven't looked back,” said Carnahan.
Realtors certainly do not have it the easiest either, the homebuyer market is a tricky one that changes constantly. As someone who used to work in the mortgage field, I can tell you that there is a lot that goes on between realtors and lender before the buyer gets into their home. Carnahan acknowledges that his profession is risky, but says that because of the support of his family he feels confident.
If you had one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started, what would that be?
“As an entrepreneur you're in control of your business, so sometimes you need to have tough conversations to advance. Don't waste time on clients that are not going to generate something for you, whether it's income, referrals, or a testimonial."
Even though he is only roughly three years into the realty business, Carnahan has plenty of experience. He says that he attributes his success to his family, preparation, and surrounding himself with like-minded individuals.
What advice/tips do you have for upcoming entrepreneurs?
“Our time is limited, so if you wait until tomorrow to start then you've already wasted a day of opportunity,” said Carnahan.
Carnahan is also excited to be working with the 570 community. Helping with his work as well as volunteering.
“I wake up each morning and work as hard as I can for that day. The rewards that I receive from my hard work are passed onto my community via many nonprofits. I love to volunteer and fundraise for organizations in the Central Pennsylvania area. Those organizations helped shape me into the individual that I am today, so it's fitting to give back to them. I also aspire to help others get started in the real estate business, whether it's being an investor, an agent, or an educated bystander. Hopefully those individuals can learn from my experience in the future,” said Carnahan.
Follow Brady Carnahan on Facebook:
Tena Carnahan
I’m so proud to say “he’s mine”!!!! Love you and miss you terribly, Mom
Missy Magargle
Brady is one of the most dedicated agents I know. His passion for his clients, his work ethic and his ability to be creative in marketing homes is outstanding! It’s a privilege to work with him!