The 570 Blog Showcase - Cory Pigeon / Artist / Painter
Creating and being a creator is something we at Mod570 take pride in. Not only in our work and what we create, but in what others can create. Music, fashion and business are some of the more common topics we cover. Perhaps the original form of art though is just that, art. Painting is the passion of Cory Pigeon, born and raised in Harrisburg PA and currently living as a full time artist.
When beginning his journey into the artistic world, Pigeon says he found inspiration from those around him. Pigeon even thinks of his art as more than just art.
“I believe it’s more of a lifestyle rather than a hobby or skill. My grandparents and good friend Jaytee Robinson inspired me immensely,” said Pigeon.
What is difficult about being a creator?
“Creative block really gets to me along with days feeling like what I do means nothing to anyone and is pointless,” said Pigeon.
Though creative block gets to Pigeon, he says that he is not bound by it. He has even cited that the only true cure for it is artists themselves. Too many times we see creativity blocked in todays society.
“Recognize your growth and notice how much you have taken in about something. That is like therapy for you,” said Pigeon.
Moving forward, what does your future and/or vision look like?
"What is my vision for the future? I’m not even sure what my next painting is going to be, I like to live in the moment. Personally, I would love to live in a mountain away from society for a couple of years to focus on nothing but my artwork. Seeing my artwork in Museum collections across the world is definitely a goal of mine for the future," said Pigeon.
What types of art do you currently enjoy most? Where has your art been featured?
"As for what kind of art I like to make recently I have been exploring with my imagination abstractions and mixing it with a more traditional rendered approach. My art has mainly only been shown in the city of Philadelphia area so far but finishing up college this year will allow me to expand my work, along with being awarded a travel fund to go to Europe," said Pigeon
Success through art is something Mod570 promotes and stands behind. After all, it is our slogan to "Create Your Legacy." Cory describes success as an artist.
"To succeed as an artist I would say it isn't about the amount of money you make, it's more about being content and happy with creating for yourself," said Pigeon.
Mod570 would like to thank Cory Pigeon for the collaboration and we wish him more success. You can follow Cory's art on social media below:
Quote on creativity - "We are all creative, our generation just does not allow us to get bored enough to create." - CP