The 570 Blog Showcase - Toxicc / Artist

The 570 Blog Showcase - Toxicc / Artist

By Jordan Slobodinsky 

Here at Mod570 we are the outlet for the modern creator. While we try to focus on creators and business owners, we also love telling the stories of people who are wear many hats in their creative endeavors. Music can lead to fashion, fashion can lead to art and so on. Enter Expose Toxicc, a recording artist from South Central Pennsylvania.

“I make music that explains my life and having to deal with addiction and heartbreak at such a young age,” said Toxicc. 

While music remains the main focus for Toxicc, he says he has also looked into different art that interests him. Photography, graphic arts and fashion are just a few that gained his interest. As a modern creator, it is important to be involved in all lines of art, as they can be incredibly marketable for the artist. Reading has also become a hobby for Toxicc, but not simply reading your average novel.  

“I enjoy reading and studying ways to better myself and grow. Besides music I would say fashion is a huge part of my lifestyle and how I express myself artistically. I’d like to think I have my own style of clothing selection, and I wish to keep it that way. It makes me feel like I pop out the most in a crowded room."

When it comes to finding inspiration, Toxicc does not lack in that department. Citing his younger years, Toxicc says he did not grow up in a huge house and often transferred to different schools every few years.  

What inspired you to be a creator

I wanted to tell my story and hopefully inspire others who are going thru a tough time that they are not alone. Music was the only thing that really got me through those tough times. I wanted to be able to create a platform where I can help save peoples lives through my pain and struggles."

Saving lives through music is a huge emphasis for Toxicc. Even if his music can help someone in the smallest way, it is a success. Many of us can relate to that, especially in our younger and more influential years. Toxicc again cites his past and the personal demons he has dealt with as a driving force behind his music creation. 

What does it mean to you to be a creator 

“People constantly go through their life feeling alone and depressed. It is just a feeling everyone can relate to at some point or another. Being a creator just means you are someone to help guide them, whether it is through the words you write on paper or just the way you carry yourself. I believe everyone needs somebody to be inspired by so why not try to be someones light in the darkness,” said Toxicc. 

While trying to help others is an incredible goal, it is not always easy in the music world. You have to be able to get your music out there for the world to hear it. Like most young artists, Toxicc has experienced creative difficulties. Pressure is one thing he says is a huge factor. 

“You are always being watched and judged off of every move you make. It is hard to stay focused on your goals you set, because you constantly feel pushed down." 

Though he does not allow the pressure to stop his creativity. Drawing much of his inspiration from the study of great creators, Toxxic feels empowered by learning from their mistakes and successes. 

“Always keep yourself grounded and never stop pushing forward even when things begin to feel like they are impossible."

What is your favorite work/art that you have created and why? 

“All of the work that I put out is my truth, I don’t fabricate anything or exaggerate the details. Most people believe that I am just a kid making music as a trend but that’s just not the case. My album “The Abyss” is a big story teller of my struggles I have had living in my head or in a dark place. So I would personally say that is my favorite piece of art, other than the tracks I’m releasing throughout this year."

2021 is set to be a big year for Toxicc. As a goal, he is determined to get involved with some kind of music label that can help him push his music to a larger audience. Along with that, he wants to produce more music videos to go along with his music. On top of all that, he wants to connect with fans through a myriad of interviews and try to give them a more personal view of where his music comes from.  

“I want to be known as one of the greatest to ever be involved in the industry. I physically and mentally can not imagine my life going any other way. It is only right for me to keep it pushing when it comes to conquering my dreams,” said Toxicc. 

Follow Toxicc on social media 

  • Quote on creativity
    - “We all live in the darkness of our minds, so why not try to be someones light.” - Expose Toxicc 

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