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Agency, Artist, harrisburg pa, HBG, LAPRINTS, Mod570, Rapper, Showcase, The 570 Blog -

Take a look into the mind of Genre - One of Harrisburg PA's top artists.

Photo by Ulpfiction 

Written by Jordan Slobodinsky

Co-written by Arden

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Agency, Business, digital entrepreneur, Downtown Lock Haven, Downtown Lock Haven Inc., Entrepreneur Affirmations, Entrepreneur Motivational Speakers, Media, Mod570, Real Estate Investing, realestate, Showcase, Social media marketing, SWCRealty -

Introducing Brady Carnahan of SWC Realty. Brady has been in the real estate field since 2017. Read more about Brady and his experience with real estate in this 570 Blog Showcase. 

"What I put into my business is exactly what I get out of it."

Written by Jordan Slobodinsky

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Agency, Business, digital entrepreneur, Downtown Lock Haven, Downtown Lock Haven Inc., Entrepreneur Affirmations, Entrepreneur Hashtags, Entrepreneur Motivational Speakers, LAPRINTS, Media, Mod570 -

Introducing the Marissa Lucia. Based out of Los Angeles, CA. 

"I have quickly learned that that “market” mentality kills the parts of artistic passion more than anything else."

Written by Jordan Slobodinsky

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Agency, Artist, Business, digital entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Affirmations, LAPRINTS, Media, Mod570, songwriter, The 570 Blog, UKArtist -

Introducing Millo.  A 22-year old artist from the UK who creates modern pop, contemporary rap and hip-hop music.

"Being a creator has allowed me to access a part of my brain I didn't know existed a few years ago."

Written by Jordan Slobodinsky

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